In this chapter we propose a new perspective on the definition of curricula for early childhood educational and care (ECEC) centres. Should children be provided with educational experiences directly geared to the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge? Or is it better to pursue broader educational goals and support the development of children's full potential? The debate is mostly focused on programmes immediately preceding children's enrolment in primary school at age 5 or 6. However, where infants and toddlers are concerned, it would be improper to consider the quality of curricula less crucial. We discuss the potential role of the content of experience provided to the younger children while analysing the educational practice in an Italian nido (an early childhood education centre for children under 3 years of age), practices which are based on the assumption that such centres are places of children's daily life and should provide them with significant social and cognitive experiences. Our analysis shows how it is possible to construct a powerful and detailed curriculum for children in their earliest years.
How to construct a curriculum in an Italian nido.
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Contributo in volume
Sage, London, GBR
International perspectives in the early years, edited by Linda Miller & Claire Cameron, pp. 46–60. London: Sage, 2014
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