ARIS - Artificial Intelligence skills for ICT professionals
The fastpaced development of AI technologies in diverse economic and social realities is exponentially augmenting the demand for ICT professionals with the right combination of AI and transversal skills.Employers struggle to find suitable candidates from the existing workforce. Further to demand, the gap is amplified by the shortage and inadequacy of relevant skills expected via Vocational Educational Training (VET) provision, given also that AI is currently a subject of ICT specialization mostly offered at the highest level of tertiary education. The upgrading of initial and continuous VET provision in the field is therefore essential so that existing and future ICT professionals can acquire and develop the AI skills and competences required to respond to modern workplace requirements and succeed in a competitive labor market.
This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ID 2019-1-BE01-KA202-050425, project 'ARIS Project- Artificial Intelligence skills for ICT professionals'