Distintività tra consonanti scempie e geminate nel morbo di Parkinson: studio acustico e cinematico sull'articolazione bilabiale

This study aims to investigate speech articulation by Parkinson Disease's speakers and, in
particular, to check whether their speech gestures show temporal and spatial specificities in
comparison to matching healthy controls in the realization of 1) singleton vs. geminate and
2) voicing and manner of articulation distinction; moreover we want to check if 3) the age
of subject may have an impact too on speech gestures characteristics.
Results on the singleton vs. geminate distinction are in line with the literature on both
healthy and Parkinson Disease's subjects and show that the latter often correspond to reduced
gestures, e.g. in amplitude, with the exception of antero-posterior tongue dorsum
movement. Voicing and manner of articulation show complex changes in speech production
and age seems to affect speech in terms of greater values for elderly people

Publication type: 
Contributo in volume
Author or Creator: 
Gili Fivela Barbara
Iraci Massimiliano M.
Grimaldi Mirko
Zmarich Claudio
AISV, Milano, ITA
Il farsi e disfarsi del linguaggio. Acquisizione, mutamento e destrutturazione della struttura sonora del linguaggio/Language acquisition and language loss. Acquisition, change and disorders of the language sound structure,, edited by Vayra Mario, Avesani
Resource Identifier: 
ISTC Author: 
Claudio Zmarich's picture
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