Thoughtful Gestures - a lecture by Prof. Shaun Gallagher, University of Memphis

5 Mar 2013 - 10:00 to 11:00

Il 5 Marzo, dalle 10 alle 11, nell'aula E. Bates dell'ISTC-CNR in via Nomentana 56, il prof. Prof. Shaun Gallagher dell'università di Memphis terrà un seminario dal titolo:

Thoughtful gestures


Together with David McNeill and several other colleagues, I've argued that to understand the kind of spontaneous gesticulations that are integrated with speech we need to think of a "thought-language-hand" system that has a relatively high degree of autonomy from the instrumental motor system.

This view is cashed out in empirical studies of gesture in aproprioceptive deafferentation (e.g., the case of IW), and it extends Merleau-Ponty's idea that "language accomplishes thought" by suggesting that gesture also accomplishes thought.

If this emphasizes the importance of language and gesture, it also holds some implications for our conceptions of thought or thinking. I'll develop this idea by linking the study of gesture to an enactively embodied concept of thinking.

Il Prof Gallagher si occupa di fenomenologia, filosofia della mente, filosofia della psicologia, embodiment, interoggettività ed ermeneutica. Per ulteriori informazioni si veda il sito, dove sono presenti molte delle sue pubblicazioni.

Il seminario sarà in inglese, con traduzione in LIS.

Locandina del seminario