A novel method for robust pitch1 extraction, based on the
correlogram output of the Lyon's cochlear model is described.
The value of the autocorrelation lag for which the signals of the
cochlear channels have the same periodicity can be computed
thus tracking how the pitch of the input signal varies in the time
domain. In the case of a stationary noise, a sort of 'spectralsubtraction'
technique, built in the correlogram domain named
'correlogram subtraction', is applied to enhance the signal
before computing its fundamental frequency. Finally, a
correction algorithm based on an 'island driven' strategy,
working on particular zones of the signal with stable pitch
values, is used to refine the pitch estimate. This method of pitch
extraction is extremely reliable, even in the case of a signal to
noise ratio of 0dB. The same subtraction technique, with some
new specific filter-bank energy-based modifications, is
considered to re-synthesize, by an inversion strategy, a clean
version of an input noisy signal. The quality of the resynthesized
signal is quite promising, leading us to try, in the
future, to use this technique as a new signal enhancement
Auditory Modeling Techniques for Robust Pitch Extraction and Noise Reduction
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Causal Production Pty Ltd, Rundle Mall (PO Box 100), AUS
ICSLP-98, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pp. 2807–2810, Sydney, Australia, 30 Nov. - 4 December, 1998
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