Evolving collective control, cooperation and distributed cognition

Studies in collective robotics usually emphasise aspects like efficiency, robustness and flexibility of the system. These are all desirable features for a robotic system, which however do not come for free along with the distributed approach. Suitable design methodologies must be devised to obtain similar features in a collective robotic system, both for what concerns the robotic hardware and the control algorithms. In this chapter, we discuss the problem of synthesising distributed controllers for a group of robots by using evolutionary techniques

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Contributo in volume
Author or Creator: 
Trianni, Vito
Nolfi, Stefano
Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, SGP
Handbook of Collective Robotics - Fundamentals and Challenges, pp. 127–166. Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013
Resource Identifier: 
ISTC Author: 
Ritratto di Vito Trianni
Real name: 
Ritratto di Stefano Nolfi
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