RIOT NOW. Esprit ludique, créativité et «free work» dans un JdR indépendant

The article focuses on emerging forms of "free work", in which the boundaries between work and leisure are completely blurred. It does so through an ethnography of Tin-Hat, a small Italian association that successfully designed, produced and marketed an "independent" Role-play Game. Tin-Hat members express their passions and creativity outside their day-time, paid job, and conceive Tin-Hat as resisting the capitalist model of low-cost, fastened hence low-quality production, . In the particular and articulated mixture of playfulness and professionalism Tin-Hat represents, people are free in their work but they also work for free, and the creative and innovative work organisation is possible thanks to the means granted by paid work activities and to some complicity with contemporary capitalist strategies.

Tipo Pubblicazione: 
Author or Creator: 
Chiara Bassetti Annalisa Murgia Maurizio Teli
Les Mondes du Travail (2015).
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Chiara Bassetti Annalisa Murgia Maurizio Teli/titolo:RIOT NOW. Esprit ludique, créativité et «free work» dans un JdR indépendant/doi:/rivista:Les Mondes du Travail/anno:2015/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:/volume:
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